How long does the provider selection process take?
There is no standard duration, it depends on the destination and product type. At any time you can consult the status of your request by logging in with your username and password.
How are reservations managed for an activity?
The client pays 100% of the price when reserving on the website. Reservations are paid the month after the activity takes place, with commission removed.
Once your registration request has been completed, we'll deal with uploading the product. From the control panel, you can close and open dates, introduce limits on certain days and times, deal with cancellations, opinions, and payments.
What is your minimum permanence period?
Our objective is to develop stable and long-lasting relationships with our partners. Nonetheless, there is no minimum permanence period, nor exclusivity clause. At any time, the collaboration may be ended by either one of the parties.
Where can I check the status of my registration?
You can consult the status of your registration logging in with your username and password.
How do I access my supplier account?
You can access your supplier account via the "login" button on the right